Communication and Information

Goal: To promote the freedom of expression, media development and access to information and knowledge (for learning, governance and sustainable development)

In the Communication and Information programme, UNESCO recognizes the power of information in building knowledgeable societies as knowledge and information impact on people’s lives. UNESCO seeks to contribute to the transformation of economies and societies through increased access to, preservation and sharing of information and knowledge generally, but especially in fields of competence of UNESCO. Knowledgeable societies are built on four pillars: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity; and quality education for all. UNESCO has therefore put the following initiatives in place to achieve this: Open Access to Scientific Information, Open Educational Resources, Free Open Software Open Training Platform, Information and Media literacy.

UNESCO identified one strategic objective in the communication programme : Promoting freedom of expression, media development and access to information and knowledge and several MLAs which include: promoting and enabling the environment for freedom of expression, press freedom and journalistic safety, facilitating pluralism and participation in media and supporting sustainable and independent media institutions; promoting and enabling the environment of enabling universal access and preservation of information and knowledge.

Communication and information aims to promote access to information and communication technologies, free flow of ideas and universal access to information, promote express of pluralism and cultural diversity in the media.

Specific objectives (2018-2025)

1: To promote the freedom of expression and access to information.

2: To promote and support media development.

3: To promote access to and preservation of information and knowledge

Strategic Interventions

  • Advocate for the ratification, domestication and implementation of UNESCO Conventions and recommendations and other international instruments on information and communication;
  • Support the strengthening of media standards, ethics and professionalism in the media, journalism and communication;
  • Promote the adaption, awareness and observation of enabling legislation, policies and frameworks on freedom of expression and free access to information and knowledge
  • Build the capacity of professionals in communication and information industry;
  • Promote the development of community multimedia centers (CMCs);
  • Promote media independence and pluralism
  • Promote wide access to and use of information      
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