
In the education programme, UNESCO is taking lead in the Education 2030 Agenda by championing Sustainable Development Goal 4. This entails promoting inclusive and quality education for sustainable development from early childhood to higher and tertiary education. The main areas of focus for the national commission in education include global citizenship and sustainable development, human rights and gender equality, health and HIV and AIDS and technical and vocational education.



To support the implementation of national and international educational   initiatives and priorities for sustainable peace and development

Strategic Objective

To support the Education 2030 agenda in Uganda

Strategic Interventions

  1. Coordination of Education 2030 agenda in Uganda;
  2. Support the Professional development of teachers at all levels;
  3. Support the development of systems to foster delivery of high quality and inclusive lifelong learning for all in Uganda;
  4. Support business, science, technical vocational education, tertiary and university education;
  5. Support education for sustainable development, Global Citizenship Education, peace human rights education and training;
  6. Promote health through education and training


Main Lines of Actions for the Education Programme

The following are the strategic objectives and main lines of action for education in the UNESCO Mid Term Strategies:

  • Supporting member states to develop education systems to foster high quality and inclusive lifelong learning for all. The MLAs will be: strengthening sector-wide policies and planning; literacy; TVET; higher education; improving professional development of teachers; improving learning processes and monitoring learning outcomes and expanding learning opportunities through ICTs in education
  • Empowering learners to be creative and responsible global citizens: MLAs scaling up education for peace and human rights; strengthening education for sustainable development and promoting health through education
  • Leading and coordinating the education 2030 agenda through partnerships, monitoring and research.

Other Projects supported by the National Commission the Education Sector

  • Development of the Thematic curriculum where mother tongue is used as a medium of instruction in lower Primary.
  • Development of the national implementation strategy for ESD. The strategy aimed at addressing challenges of implementing the United Nations Decade of Education for sustainable Development.
  • The process of ratifying the convention on anti-doping in the Sports sector.
  • Development of the National Policy on ESD.
  • The study on the status of implementation of the Education sector ECD policy whose findings and recommendations have informed policy review and strategic plans on ECD in the Education sector.
  • The study on the status of Adult learning in Uganda whose findings have influenced and informed policy and actions in the area of Adult and lifelong learning and Non formal Education.

Major achievements in the Education Programme:

Support was provided to the TTISSA diagnostic study whose findings have influenced recent actions in the Education sector particularly on teacher development, namely;

  1. Development of a Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) and strengthening EMIS to ensure availability and access to accurate and timely teacher data for policy, planning and management;
  2. Development of a comprehensive national teacher policy
  3. Development of Teacher competency profiles for ECD, Primary and Secondary Schools, tutors and instructors
  4. Development of a harmonized pre-service teacher training curriculum and a continuous professional development framework for effective delivery of quality Education
  5. Development of a national Teachers Social Dialogue framework
  6. Development of the teachers’ motivation framework 


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